Why Us- Ecstaticdance.ca

The Origins

Why Us- Ecstaticdance.ca

Ecstatic Dance Toronto began on Saturday, January 7, 2006 at The Dovercourt House in Toronto, Canada. It was inspired by Julia Ray’s desire to take all the goodness of yoga off the mat in a way that would give people the full power to explore their embodied freedom. 737 dances were offered at the beautiful Dovercourt House over a 13 year span. Read the FULL origin story here.

Since 2019, with the challenges of dance and human gatherings, our community has become more nomadic …still dancing regularly where the spirit of what we do is welcomed.

We first brought the global term ‘Ecstatic Dance’ to Toronto. Literally, thousands have danced, healed and celebrated with us since our first dance in January 2006. Together, we keep the Spirit of community, music and dance alive and thriving. In return, our bodies, hearts and spirits are nourished.

Our Mission

To uphold the global standards for Ecstatic Dance as a sacred safe space for your spirit to move wild and free without substances.

We do not dilute the experience by adding fillers or stimulants because we firmly believe we are all born with everything we need to thrive.

From early recorded human history, there is evidence of dance. Cave paintings from 40,000 years ago depict people dancing wildly. We want to heal the world by bringing ecstatic dance back to mass culture.


As the world has its challenges, we have a chance to revision our future.

We intend to bring people together who may otherwise be divided.

We invite you to come as you are to sweat, dance and connect with yourself and each other.

EDT White Logo

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